The Top 10 Substacks for Marketers in 2024 - MutualMarkets

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The Top 10 Substacks for Marketers in 2024

Staying informed with the latest trends, insights, and strategies is essential as a marketer and substacks can provide a convenient way to keep up-to-date. Here are the top ten Substack newsletters for marketers in 2024. 

1. Demand Curve

  • Audience: Startups and growth marketers

  • Content: Weekly newsletters provide tried and tested strategies, teardowns, resources, memes, and open marketing roles. The newsletter covers various topics, from copywriting techniques to growth hacks.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: For well-researched strategies and insights from industry experts, helping you scale your business effectively​.

2. Marketing Brew

  • Audience: Modern marketers

  • Content: This newsletter offers updates on the latest marketing trends, technologies, and strategies. It blends analytical pieces, industry updates, and practical advice tailored for today's marketers.

  • Frequency: Three times a week

  • Why Subscribe: To stay ahead with insightful, forward-thinking marketing news and trends​. 

3. Moz Top 10

  • Audience: SEO practitioners and digital marketers

  • Content: A bi-weekly digest that curates the top ten most valuable pieces of SEO news, tools, and resources. It offers insights, best practices, and actionable tips on various aspects of digital marketing.

  • Frequency: Bi-weekly

  • Why Subscribe: For a trusted source of actionable SEO strategies and industry trends. 

4. Ahrefs Digest

  • Audience: SEO and content marketers

  • Content: Weekly newsletters combining Ahrefs blog content with curated articles from other SEO thought leaders. It focuses on technical SEO, keyword research, content strategy, and backlink analysis.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: To get practical takeaways and strategies you can apply to your website and content​. 

5. Everyone Hates Marketers

  • Audience: Contrarian marketers

  • Content: This newsletter offers unique perspectives on marketing, challenging conventional wisdom with practical insights. It’s known for its engaging and contrarian approach.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: For a fresh perspective on marketing strategies that think outside the box​. 

6. Stratechery

  • Audience: Marketers interested in technology and strategy

  • Content: This newsletter provides in-depth analysis of business models, market trends, and industry dynamics. It blends technology, corporate strategy, and marketing insights.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: To understand the intersection of technology and marketing and gain insights from in-depth analyses​.

7. Marketing Examples

  • Audience: Visual learners and creative marketers

  • Content: Showcases innovative and creative marketing campaigns from various industries. It provides detailed analysis and actionable insights, making it a significant source of inspiration.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: For visually appealing, easy-to-digest content that offers significant inspiration and learning​.

8. Sunday Branding Newsletter

  • Audience: eCommerce and DTC marketers

  • Content: Packed with valuable insights and strategies for launching successful DTC brands. New subscribers receive a comprehensive slide deck on DTC branding.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: For in-depth strategies and practical advice on building and scaling eCommerce brands.

9. Marketing Dive

  • Audience: Marketing professionals

  • Content: Provides deep dives into the latest marketing industry news, trends, and analysis. It ensures professionals stay updated on essential developments.

  • Frequency: Daily and weekly options

  • Why Subscribe: For comprehensive industry overviews and timely updates on marketing trends and news.

10. The Social Media Examiner

  • Audience: Social media marketers

  • Content: Offers the latest trends and tools in social media marketing, providing valuable strategies for enhancing social media presence.

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Why Subscribe: To stay up-to-date with industry changes and gain valuable insights into social media marketing strategies​.

Subscribing to Substacks provides marketers with a wealth of knowledge, diverse perspectives, and actionable insights. Whether you’re looking to improve your SEO, stay updated on the latest marketing trends, or find inspiration from creative campaigns, these substacks offer valuable resources to help you achieve your marketing goals.

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